For Combustion of Biogas, Landfill Gas, and Bio-Methane
Biogas flares from Austrian company Ennox comprises the most up-to-date flare technology on the market, ensuring the safe, efficient and environmentally friendly combustion of gases from landfill, bio and sewage gas systems.
Flares can be supplied as either low or medium temperature units supplied with the required additional burner technology. For special requirements our innovative and low emission NOXtor burner is available.
Equipped with its own programmable controller, all ignition, monitoring and safety functions are carried out independently by the flare. The complete control and monitoring system is housed in its own cabinet.
Robust and compact flare suitable for small biogas systems, special installations or when an automatic gas flare is not specified.
Fully stainless steel flare ensuring the safe, efficient and environmentally friendly combustion of gases from landfill, bio and sewage gas systems.
Safe, efficient and and low-emission combustion of biogas, landfill or other gasses at high temperature.